Customer support






Change registration information

If there is a change in your registration information, please re-upload a new identity verification document, take a photo of an address verification document that includes the account opener's name, address, and date within 3 months, and upload it from My Page. . In addition, please inform us of the change from the inquiry form.

Lost Password

Please reset your password from "Forgot your password?" on the login screen.

I want to change my account type
Account type cannot be changed. Open an additional account by selecting the desired account type.
I want to register as a corporation

Please register as an individual first. After that, please inform us of the change to the corporation from the inquiry form. Please prepare a certified copy of your identity verification document.

I can't upload my Identity Verification Documents

The capacity may exceed the upper limit (4MG). Please reduce the size of the image you plan to submit and re-upload it.

Are there any fees for deposits and withdrawals?

If the amount is less than 50,000 yen, a handling fee of 1,000 yen will be charged. If the amount is 50,000 yen or more, there is no handling fee.

Account Maintenance Fee

No fees to maintain your account


SWIFT, a telecommunications network affiliated with the world's major financial institutions, is a bank/branch identification code assigned to each network member bank. You can search on the SWIFT homepage.

I can't log in to MT5 (MT4)

The MT5 (MT4) account ID, password, and server name are included in the email sent after registration or after opening an additional account.

I didn't receive my Email

迷惑メール設定や受信拒否設定、なりすまし規制等により、迷惑フォルダや削除フォルダ等にメールが自動で振り分けられている可能性が考えられます。一度、振り分け設定や、迷惑フォルダ等のご確認をお願い致します。 また、ドメイン指定受信及びPCからのメールを拒否している場合には口座開設前に@cryptograph.financeの設定をお願いいたします。

About scalping

There are no particular restrictions.

Can I Withdraw my Bonus?

Bonuses are for trading purposes only and cannot be withdrawn.

About Support

Customer support is available on weekdays from 09:00 to 22:00 Japan time.
We will reply on the same day or within the next business day. If you do not receive a reply, please check the following possible causes.

・The reply email is sorted into the spam folder.
・The e-mail address you entered is incorrect and cannot be delivered.


If you wish to withdraw to a bank that does not have a SWIFTCODE (shinkin bank or internet bank), please enter "000".

About Promo Code

To enter the promotion code, please log in to My Page and go to the account menu.
There is an input part under the bank account information.
Select the MT5ID you want to apply and enter your promotional code.




リスクに関する警告: FXやデリバティブなどのレバレッジがかかった商品の取引には資産に対する大きなリスクがあるため、全ての投資家に対して適切ではない可能性があります。
地域別制約: TEC Solution Ltd(SV)は、米国、カナダ、フィリピン、スーダン、シリア、北朝鮮の居住者にサービスを提供していません。
CRYPTOGRAPH LIMITEDは日本金融庁に登録のない、海外FXブローカーで、本サイト・サービスは主に日本国在住者を対象としておりません。 当社のサービスは18歳未満の方は対象としておりません。

Ⓒ 2020 CL FX