Swap Points

Swap Points

Overnight position

Swap Points

CRYPTOGRAPH LIMITED offers the best rates in the industry for swap points generated by overnight positions.
We are constantly reviewing swap rates and striving to improve the trading environment.

CRYPTOGRAPH LIMITED offers swap points generated by overnight positions at the highest rate in the industry. Please use it as one of the benefits that you can get every day.

Overnight Position

Industry's highest standard
swap rate

Swap points
without fees

Immediate reflection of the
latest current interest rates


Best swap rates
in the industry

Swap points
without fees

Immediate reflection of the
latest current interest rates

About Swap Points

Swap points are profits generated from the interest rate difference between the two currencies being traded, and are generated when a held position is carried over to the next day (overnight position).

For example, if you sell a currency with a low interest rate, such as the Japanese yen, and buy a currency with a high interest rate, such as the Australian dollar, you can carry over that position to the next day and receive the swap points for that period as profit.

Conversely, if you buy a currency with a low interest rate and sell a currency with a high interest rate, the interest rate differential will be negative and you will have to pay swap points.

Swap points are usually generated every day from the next business day after you hold a position. When trading, be sure to check the swap points for each stock in advance, and you can use them as part of your daily profits.

*Swap points fluctuate daily depending on rates and market trends.

How swap points are calculated

For transactions with CRYPTOGRAPH LIMITED, the daily swap points can be calculated using the following formula.

[Daily swap point calculation formula]

Trading volume (number of lots) x Trading unit (value of 1 lot) (*) x Decimal digits (*) x Swap value

*You can check the trading unit and number of digits in the details of the trading product in MT5.
*Number of digits: "1 digit = 0.1", "3 digits = 0.001", "5 digits = 0.00005".

Note that swap points are in units of the settlement currency, so when converting to Japanese yen, they will be affected by the exchange rate against the yen.
(The calculation method is different for cryptocurrencies.)

About Rollover

Rollover means extending the settlement date of an open position. In Forex trading, it is a rule to always settle after 2 business days in principle, and when holding a position for the next day or longer, it will be a process to automatically extend the settlement date.

The rollover will take place at 7:00 am Japan time (6:00 am during daylight saving time) when the NY market closes. Swap points will be added to the open position at this point.




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