Currency Pair Spread

Currency Pair Spread

Currency pair spread

Currency Pair Spread

At CRYPTOGRAPH LIMITED, our philosophy is to provide our customers with the most favorable trading environment possible while also running a safe, secure and sustainable company, which is the most important aspect of an FX broker. We strive to provide our customers with the largest number of trading issues in the industry, with spreads that are below the industry average.
At CRYPTOGRAPH LIMITED, our philosophy is to provide our customers with the most favorable trading environment possible while also running a safe, secure and sustainable company, which is the most important aspect of an FX broker. We strive to provide our customers with the largest number of trading issues in the industry, with spreads that are below the industry average.

Below industry average spreads on nano accounts on major currency pairs

Eliminate requotes and rejected deals

Honest trading with no hidden markup

Good Enforcement Policy


The spread is the price difference between the buy price (ASK) and sell price (BID) of the offered rate of the trading currency pair, and is the cost incurred when trading. The narrower this price difference (spread), the lower the trading cost, which is advantageous for the trader. The spread is measured in "pips."

CRYPTOGRAPH LIMITED uses a "variable spread system" in which spreads fluctuate according to market fluctuations, just like the interbank market, and spreads vary depending on the trading stock and account type.

About Currency Pair Spreads

For traders, tight spreads on currency pairs are very important to keep costs down. At CRYPTOGRAPH LIMITED, we do not recommend the narrowest spreads or 0 spreads, and would like to be a well-balanced broker.

In fact, there are cases where FX traders who do not collect commissions for selling 0 spreads gather traders and go bankrupt.

CRYPTOGRAPH LIMITED is based on the philosophy of balance management that responds quickly to narrower than average spreads and withdrawal requests. We partner with high liquidity providers such as liquidity providers, diversified trading markets in Europe, prime brokers, etc., and strive to trade major trading currencies with cheaper spreads than the industry average. In addition, we enable trading in any currency pair and always provide services that meet the needs of our customers.

CRYPTOGRAPH LIMITED will support our customers with services that are not limited to short-term profits so that our customers and we, the FX brokers, can coexist and prosper together.




リスクに関する警告: FXやデリバティブなどのレバレッジがかかった商品の取引には資産に対する大きなリスクがあるため、全ての投資家に対して適切ではない可能性があります。
地域別制約: TEC Solution Ltd(SV)は、米国、カナダ、フィリピン、スーダン、シリア、北朝鮮の居住者にサービスを提供していません。
CRYPTOGRAPH LIMITEDは日本金融庁に登録のない、海外FXブローカーで、本サイト・サービスは主に日本国在住者を対象としておりません。 当社のサービスは18歳未満の方は対象としておりません。

Ⓒ 2020 CL FX